Sunday, August 12, 2012

Chapter 4 - Plane Ride from Apia to Pago Pago

The flight from Apia to Pago Pago was a little less than an hour, but what an experience!!!  You can see from the pictures how small the plane is.  There are 3 seats across - and they are small at best.  Then you get people the size of most Samoans sitting in the seats and you wonder how they fit...  To add to that, you hold your carry on luggage on your lap.  So,  between our two backpacks, Dennis' computer bag, my purse and our two C-Pap machines, we could barely see over them.  We got about half way there and I realized I hadn't done up my seat belt.  Dennis said not to worry - we were crammed in so tight that it didn't matter.  It was so noisy that you couldn't really carry on a conversation without  talking really loud, and even then the people behind and in front couldn't hear what you were saying.  I tried to take a picture Dennis but couldn't get far enough away from him - then I got the giggles!!!!  I laughed until I cried.  Every time I would look over at Dennis I would start laughing again.  It was quite an experience!  I did get some pictures  from the plane though - enjoy....  Elder & Sister Partridge flew over with us to show us our new home and help us get set up.  They were so helpful...
This is our plane - There were 5 rows - 3 seats each

This is out of focus, but it is the best I could do with the close quarters
Needless to say, no Coke or Peanuts are served on this flight...

View of two smaller islands - leaving Api airport

Our first views of American Samoa...

Departing the plane in Pago Pago, American Samoa
Dennis and Elder Partridge - Pago Pago Airport
We made it!!!

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