the announcement was made about the age change for missionaries, Brother Hunt,
Church Public Relations Representative for American Samoa asked us to find out
from some of our institute students how they felt about it. Dennis told him it had a great impact on our
grandson, Andrew. Brother Hunt asked him
to have Andrew email his feelings to us.
We forwarded his comments on to Brother Hunt and he in turn forwarded it
to Church Headquarters in Australia. His
story was included in the Australian Insert of the February Ensign.
It was so exciting and, of course we are very proud grandparents. It is not too often that you get published in
a church magazine.
when the March Liahona came out, we
were shocked and surprised to see our picture in the Samoan Insert with an
article about the conversion story of two Philippian converts of which we had a
small part. It was written in Samoan,
but we had the English translation. Of
course we just had to buy enough copies for our family…